Background |
The Conference is aimed at understanding the
dimension and magnitude in which the Civil
Engineering Profession is likely to be transformed
by the technological developments that are taking
place in this century. The conference is also
expected to provide a clear sense of direction in
tackling this transformation so that Civil
Engineering Professionals may play and effective
role in building a prosperous future for mankind.
Announcement |
The Civil Engineering Division, The Institution of
Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) is organizing the Fourth
Annual Paper Meet (APM) and First Civil Engineering
Congress. We aim to build an effective forum where
practicing engineers, technologists, scientists and
academics will have the opportunity to present and
share their views, ideas and experiences on recent
developments, and emerging needs of Civil
Update : 22nd June 11 |
Update : 29th Sep. 11 |
more.. |
Date & Venue |
The Annual paper meet (APM) and the Civil
Engineering Congress will take place from 22-24 December
2011 at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB),
Ramna, 2011; Dhaka 1000 and the Conference Hall of the Roads
and Highways Department. |
Organized by |
Civil Engineering Division Institution of
Engineers, Bangladesh |
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association with |
- Roads & Highways Department (RHD)
- Public Works Department (PWD)
- Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE)
- Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
- Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Supported by |
American Society of Civil
Engineers |
Institution of Civil
Engineers (UK)
ICE Centre Bangladesh |
Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology |
International Association for
Bridge and Structural Engineering |